Spanish Intent at Alderton Junior School
Learning a foreign language fosters children’s curiosity about other cultures and deepens their understanding of the world around them. Spanish is taught at Alderton Junior School using the iLanguages scheme of work. The teaching of a Modern Foreign Language is new to the pupils as they enter Year 3. The iLanguages programme provides a balance of spoken and written language and lays the foundations for further foreign language study at secondary school.
The aims of Spanish teaching at Alderton Juniors are to enable pupils to:
understand and respond to spoken language
speak Spanish with increasing confidence, accuracy of intonation and fluency
begin to write in Spanish for different purposes and audiences as they progress through the school.
develop an understanding of Spanish culture though stories, songs and poems.
Pupils begin by learning basic greetings and instructions, numbers and days of the week which then progresses into more extensive topics such as food, weather, pets and places. Spanish grammar is interwoven into the units so pupils are able to understand the key features and patterns of the Spanish language and how to apply these to create sentences. The lessons are sequenced so that prior learning is considered, revised and built upon alongside the acquisition of new language and grammatical concepts.
Each class has key words and labels displayed in Spanish and class teachers are encouraged to reinforce learning outside of lessons (e.g. numbers, classroom commands, days of the week) in order to embed vocabulary and build confidence with the language. Our aim is to not only develop pupils' language skills but also their love of learning a language.
Spanish Leader:
Miss Ellie Sumsion