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Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

At Alderton Junior School, we are committed to supporting the well-being of all our children, families and staff.


We aim to ensure the positive mental health and well-being of all our children.  The school follows the Essex TPP (Trauma Perceptive Practice) approach to understanding behaviour and supporting well-being. This approach uses the values of Compassion, Kindness, Hope, Connection and Belonging to support children and is embedded in our school systems and practice.


Alderton Junior School is a child centred environment where we focus on nurturing the whole child to develop their skills to become well rounded citizens and life-long learners as well as promoting academic achievement. Our behaviour policy centres on high expectations and positive behaviour management using a ‘Stepped Approach’. We enable children to develop skills of self-regulation and to make positive choices about their behaviour through using ‘Green interventions’ to support ‘Green behaviours’.  Those pupils going beyond Green and showing continued self-directed positive behaviours that benefit themselves and support others are rewarded with Silver or Gold.


Children feel safe and valued for who they are. We encourage a Growth Mindset where children are free to take risks and making mistakes is part of the learning process. We celebrate children’s achievements and foster a sense of pride and belonging through Celebration assemblies where good work or behaviour linking to the school and TPP values is acknowledged and rewarded each week along with those children who have stayed on Green or have reached Silver or Gold.


We offer a range of specific support and interventions for children and families that focus on well-being. These include:



Sensory Room and safe spaces:

As a school we aim to support a wide variety of children and strive to meet all their needs. We are therefore very excited about the development of a new sensory room at The Alderton Junior School.  This is based in the most quiet area of the building, within a room with soundproofed walls. This room helps to enhance and calm sensory experiences using a range of resources, for example, we have a projector sending coloured patterns onto a large flat wall, lava lamps, coloured bubble tubes and a bubble machine.  We also use a CD player to play calming sounds.  The aromatherapy machine currently scents the room with fresh apple and the many coloured cushions and beanbags help to support relaxation. 


We are in the process of organising a hanging pod for the children to use, and stocking drawers with buttons, rice, sand, bubble wrap and other sensory tactile resources.  There are plans to further develop the room as the children get used to using it, and we begin to identify further ways that we could support their sensory needs.


From the knowledge we have of our pupils' strengths and areas of need, we know that this resource is crucial to support a number of pupils with sensory needs, as well as those who require support to self-regulate, manage anxieties and be ready to learn.  Please watch this space for further developments regarding our sensory room, photos of the room in use, and spot the staff members who also enjoy using it!


Working closely with the Family and Children's Support Services to provide: 

  • Family support in the home 
  • Parent workshops such as the Nurture Programme  
  • Access to a dedicated Family Support Worker 
  • FACSS therapy for identified children
  • Compass Club to develop confidence for pupils in Year 3 and 4 
  • Young Carers support for children who have caring responsibilities for members of their families 


Sparks: 1:1 Talk Therapy provided by the Sparks charity for identified pupils. 


Zones of Regulation


Zones of Regulation is a strategy that we use with children 1:1 or as a whole class. It teaches children about the emotions and how they might feel when experiencing different emotions. Children will choose strategies to draw on when necessary, for example if they are worried they might count to 10 slowly in their heads.

Each class has an interactive display dedicated to the Zones of Regulation which children access each morning and the class teacher responds to according to where there pupils have placed themselves on the grid.


Support from staff and our pastoral team

Our pastoral team includes:

   Miss Johnson

Head Teacher and Safeguarding Lead (Dyslexia Specialist Teacher, SENCO Award and MSc Psychology)
Miss DaviesSENDCo (BA Hons, PGCE with enhanced SEN)
Mrs FinnDeputy Head Teacher, Pupil Premium Champion (BSc in Psychology)
Mrs Carroll-Bastian

Behaviour and Pastoral Support Manager (Education Welfare)

Miss TukeDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Parents can contact our Pastoral Team led by Mrs Carroll-Bastian at 


Behaviour and Pastoral Support Management Team


Mrs Carroll-Bastian is our dedicated Behaviour and Pastoral Support Manager. She has an extensive background which is beneficial to supporting the wellbeing of our pupils.


Mrs Carroll-Bastian's role in school includes:

  • Monitoring attendance and ensuring parents and families have the necessary support to maintain regular attendance at school
  • Support for families of children with mental health difficulties
  • Leading Early Help meetings and creating action plans
  • Signposting families to support services available within the local area
  • Identifying and an planning support for students in school such as leading small group and 1:1 intervention sessions to develop confidence, self-esteem, resilience and on anxiety management 
  • Running lunchtime nurture clubs
  • Leading a morning 'Magic Breakfast' for eligible Pupil Premium pupils and vulnerable pupils
  • Being a listening ear and valuable support for families in difficulty
  • Supporting pupils with SEMH difficulties, or those who struggle to manage in school
  • Creating 5 Step Behaviour Response Plans, a pupil centred and research based approach to de-escalation and support
  • Providing support and guidance to school staff and parents


Staff Professional Development and Wellbeing:

As a school, we value the contribution of every member of staff and work to ensure:

1) That talents and skills are nurtured and built upon

2) Staff are thanked and praised for their hard work and contribution to our school

3) That we consider work-life balance in all decision making and ensure that school policies are mindful of staff workload

4) That staff are consulted on school development and decision-making to have a positive contribution to the school

5) That we work to support the Mental Health of all staff by investing in and signposting staff to a free Wellbeing Service. 

6) Developing the professional knowledge of staff around behaviour management, Trauma Perceptive Practice and Mental Health so that they can conduct their roles within school effectively. At present, 16 members of staff have competed 'Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health - Level 2' qualification.


Coming soon

Working with the Governing Body, the Head Teacher is currently creating a Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan based on the core and enhanced principles established by Mind. It is our aim, to become an accredited school for our knowledge, awareness and approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing. 


Key links to support families:

Mental Health advice for children (Young Minds)

Essex Resource Hub

Directory of Services

Frontline for Epping Forest

MiND Mental Health Support Team

**SEPTEMBER 2024 NEW WEBSITE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION** January Ofsted Inspection 2023 Good with Outstanding "Pupils flourish in this happy, harmonious junior school. They enjoy a wealth of opportunities to develop their talents and interests."