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Late/Absence Procedures


Parents are expected to ensure that children are present at registration. Children arriving between 8.50am and 9.15am are recorded as late and a reason requested and recorded. Children arriving after 9.15am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence for that session.


There are three negative results caused by pupils who constantly arrive late: 

  • The loss of learning suffered by the pupil themselves which over a year can add up to a significant proportion of their time in school.
  • The disruption to other children in their class as the teacher’s attention is taken from the task at hand.
  • Can raise levels of unauthorised absence.


The strategies that the school will use to tackle lateness will include:

  • Pupils catch up on lost learning by missing part or all of their playtime if they are frequently late
  • Calling parents in to discuss persistent lateness
  • The MECES Investigator being notified in the case of persistent lateness.
  • Use of Penalty Notices in cases of unauthorised absence. This decision will be taken by the Headteacher in consultation with the MECES Investigator for the school.



Regular attendance at school is vital to pupil achievement. As a school we expect pupils to be in school every day unless there is a reasonable and genuine reason.

If your child is absent from school, it is important to call the school office before 9.00am on the day of absence, so we can note this on the register. If your call is out of hours or your call is not answered, a voicemail can be left detailing pupil name, class and reason for absence, please note that "unwell" is not a satisfactory explanation more detail is required.

Daily absence reports are expected to keep the school updated and for absences over a couple of days we will ask for evidence, such as proof of any prescribed medication.




Leave of absence requests:

The current law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child out of school during term time. The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 prohibits Headteachers to grant leave of absence to a pupil except where an application has been made in advance and the Headteacher considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application .

If there are circumstances which require absence from school; parents are required to complete an absence request form which is available below or a hard copy can be obtained from the school office. Parents are required to attach a letter explaining the circumstances which the Head Teacher will consider. Parents may need to attend a meeting to discuss ways in which we can minimise disruption in schooling.


Absence for holidays:

Absence requests for holidays will be unauthorised, unless the circumstances are considered exceptional. Unauthorised absences will be reported on and may result in a fine being issued by the local authority.


Absence for extra-curricular events:

As a school we support the talents and experiences of our pupils. On occasion, we have pupils who require time out of school for such events as:

* Attending a competition

* An exam or musical grading

* An audition or involvement in performing arts


In this instance, parents will need to complete an absence request form and may need to attend a meeting with the Head Teacher where the child’s current attendance and academic attainment will be discussed prior to a decision being made. All possible attempts should be made for such events to take place outside of school time where possible.


For further information, please consult our school Attendance policy obtained from the school office.

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